Alex turned 12! For the next three weeks he and his sister are both 12. So what is one to do for a 12 year old? Well, we had a party at his and his Grammy's house. They invited a couple of friends from down the street and we had the requested Cheese Cake Factory cheesecakes and ice cream and of course, presents.

We started on the deck.

Kyle's family and Julie's family were all there.

The littlest cousins are four months apart. Logan is 18 months and Cora is 22 months. They act like they are ready for kindergarten.

Alex, in white, and his friend Ian.

His Uncle Geoff and Cora. This is a great picture of these two, even if I say so myself.

Julieanna and Cora. (Another great picture) Cora was quite taken with her denim jacket.

Logan was full of it. Sitting Pretty!

Making her famous "Funny Face"

Making her equally renowned "Crazy Face".

It became noticeably cool for this time of year. So we wrapped it up on the deck and moved inside.

Alex and his friend Paige Hathorn and Ian Hathorn.

Uncle Kyle and Aunt Sarah gave Alex a remote control plane. I wonder if this is a "Predator"?

Let the gifts continue! The little ones like to help.

Yes, I took
ANOTHER picture. See the lighting is much better!

See, Logan has a face in this one.

Mmmm. Milk, it does a body good.

"Some Assembly Required." And Alex was the guy to do it. And it worked.
Logan was most impressed with the BIG BAG! And it distracted her from the toys.
And then we ruined it by singing! Sorry.