Sunday morning we all got up, went for breakfast and head to the
Mt. Olympus Water and Theme ParksJulieanna, Geoff, Cora and Hazel and Kyle, Sarah and Logan went on while Grandma and I lagged behind. Our GPS was losing satellite lock at the worst times. We had to navigate by guessing where an address would be.
We arrived at the parks and had to look for our family at "the largest water park in the Dells". We were to call them and they would tell us where they were. That
would have been a good plan. Apparently they were ditching us. We called both of their cell phones and went straight to
automated voice mail.
So I took a few pictures as we walked through the park looking for them.

As we reached the middle of the park there is a ship's deck. That's it on the right with the mast and yard arm.

From the deck, we surveyed the park, establishing our plan.

There, at the furthest reaches of the park in the furthest wave pool we found our families.
They had set up under a pavilion on a picnic table.
Kyle and Sarah took Logan and Cora to the toddler pool.

Cora enjoyed talking to uncle Kyle.

These are Cora's friend Daddy, her friend Hazel and her friend Grandma. And Cora introduced us all repeatedly.

Cora almost always starts a conversation with "Mom (or Dad), can I talk to (any of us)." Here she just started to talk to a girl at the next table who was about 13 years old.
When her dad said, "Cora." She came back to ask if she could, "talk to that girl?"

Another Cora and Logan moment of joy. Cora was so happy to see everyone. She would say, "I miss Logan." Or whomever was her next contact.

The parents went on the big blue slide in this picture.

Grandma got a lot of happy-time with Hazel. Hazel (Cora's friend and little sister) is a very happy, smiley baby. Most of the time. If her mom comes into sight or ear-shot, she puts up a fuss until her mom takes her. Then she looks back with a smile as if to say, "See, Mommy has me." In this one Mom is walking away from Hazel.

Here's that fussy face.

It's the end of the day for all. Grandma and I wait with Hazel while her folks and Cora change out of their swimsuits. Hazel looks like I felt. This indoor water park was hot, humid and noisy. Just like all of the ones I've been too. Hazel didn't last long.

She's outta here! Quite content to sleep in Grandma's safe lap.
Babies are so angelic when they are sleeping. Almost irresistible.

When Cora came out she totally agreed with me. She had to hug and kiss her little sister.

And she was fun to play with.

When she pried Hazel's eye open to see what was in there it was too much for Geoff. Of course we were used to this behavior because Julieanna used to do this to Kyle when he was a baby.
Guess apples really don't fall far from the tree.
Video of our time in the shade.
It was a lot of fun even if it was hot.
It was great to see the kids and the grand kids.
Sally bought a couple of Hawaiian Shave Ice. Sally ate hers and Cora ate mine. Logan wanted nothing to do with it. She looked hot but wouldn't eat the ice or drink the juice.
Logan played on the ground for a while. I thought she was playing with an ant. I would talk to her and she would ignore me pretty much. Eventually she lay down and when I went over to pick her up she was playing with ABC gum on the concrete. It was stringy and sticky.
Since I wouldn't let Logan play with the ABC gum, Cora went over and picked up a ball of it and brought it to Logan. Really! Have you ever seen this before? It was a first for me. But here we are three days later and they are both well. So I guess it was okay.
When Sarah came back she bought Dip n Dots for Logan and Cora. Logan had a fruit flavored mix and Cora, of course, had chocolate.