If this were Thanksgiving or Christmas we would be giddy and saying how beautiful the snow is. Alas, it is Easter and we're cursing another snow! But now that the work is done it does make the world brighter.
The Schilders arrived just ahead of everyone. Steve, Sue and Becca are Kyle's in laws. I suppose they will be known as Logan's grandparents and aunt. Steve had let the ladies out at the door and was parking when we were parking.
She is very special and I am glad she became an addition to our family. She and Kyle have started a wonderful family. I am proud of what they are accomplishing in their lives.
Kyle was already walking back from the parking lot as we pulled in. He cleans up real well.

Logan was a vision of sweetness and softness. She slept most of the time but was never a problem. The soft folds of Kyle's sweater in off-white and the snow white of Logan's sweater, along with her new baby pink in the bright window light make this one of my favorite pictures. (It helps when the subject is so cute.)
Logan was a vision of sweetness and softness. She slept most of the time but was never a problem. The soft folds of Kyle's sweater in off-white and the snow white of Logan's sweater, along with her new baby pink in the bright window light make this one of my favorite pictures. (It helps when the subject is so cute.)
Ashley and Tricia, Alex and Drew were there about fifteen minutes later. These kids are really grown up. They were well behaved too. They carry on conversations and are just really nice young people. We're proud of them.
Tricia is doing great! She puts so much effort into her family.
is so like his dad was. His eyes are far bigger than his stomach. The buffet was a grand opportunity to eat for the day. He started with french toast and sausage and bacon for breakfast. Then on to lunch and dinner with dessert.
Drew has grown to be a wonderful young man. Kind, a great dad, and someone I would want as a friend even if we weren't related.
Julie and Geoff, or maybe you know them Julieanna or even Geoffrey are a real pair. They seem to really take to this family life. I am proud of their work ethic and devotion.
Julie and Geoff, or maybe you know them Julieanna or even Geoffrey are a real pair. They seem to really take to this family life. I am proud of their work ethic and devotion.
Cora, Cora, Cora. You are growing up so quickly! She and I would make eye contact down the table and if I smiled at her she would light up a big smile right back to me. She was wonderful through the brunch also. The two babies are keepers.
They all show they are loved by some special parents. I am very glad my children are happy and have wonderful spouses and beautiful families.
You might try clicking over a picture. When I do that the picture opens in the browser window and is full screen. Then click on 'back' and it returns to the blog. For whatever reason this doesn't work for me on Kyle's blog.
Sorry about the format being terrible. try as I might it breaks where it wants and I can't get the text to stay with the picture.
Enough for now. "It just don't get no better than this."