I answered and it was Kyle. I explained that the phone @$#-%^&* didn't work in the bedroom. He said he could hear me fine. Well that kind of phone is worthless. No one wants to call just to hear me give a monologue.
They were at home getting ready to leave. Sarah had started contractions around two o'clock and they were not consistent 'til about four o'clock. They are about four minutes apart and they were going to the hospital. At her office visit earlier this week she was fully effaced and 3 cm dilated, so they didn't think the folks at the hospital would tell them to just wait it out. He said they'd call us when they got there and all settled in.
Grandma was off like a shot! She showered and got ready to wait for that call. I took my meds and waited 'til time to have breakfast and more pills. Grandma couldn't decide how she would schedule her day. Baby ... work ... baby? I was cleaning up my breakfast mess and she was by the door in her coat. We would drive separate and she would go on to work from the hospital. I blew my cork and out the door we went.
I had to stop for gasoline; so I was behind from the start. There must be some genetic flaw in me. I just don't go berserk over this stuff. I think, let me repeat and emphasize, I think the kids might want some space. They may want to do it themselves. I suppose I was impacted by the old television commercial, "Please, Mother, I'd rather do it myself!"
Of course I am also a creature of habit. My routine will be followed! I had to stop my journey to complete my morning routine. Then Kyle called again to inquire where we were. I assume his mother was moments from him and I was on my way again. Not a soon as I expected but on my way. I missed my turn and took the next one. Believe me it was not an alternate. I went a long way around to end back up stream and taking a second shot at the same turn. Probably about a twenty minute detour.
From there the hospital was easy to find. I skipped the first turn (receiving) went to the next sign and turn. It said MAIN ENTRANCE so I turned in. No! It had a little arrow to go straight. Oh well! I drove in about a block or so, there was a parking lot on the right and the Main Entrance on the left. It all worked out. I got in and found "maternity" by locating cardiac imagining. It seems that Maternity in out of vogue and it is labeled Women's Services Center.
Sally was there in the waiting room, Steve went to let the dog out and Sue went to the cafeteria. Steve and Sue are Sarah's parents. Sally had me go to the nurse's station to get clearance and a badge so I'd be ready when the time came. 10:30 and no baby.
We had a nice visit and waited. Kyle came out once to let us know it was going well and slow. And we waited. Sue came back, Steve came back and we waited. We are not good waiters for the most part. Not particularly worried. Not wild imaginations. Just impatient!
Someone, we can't say whom, came out a little after noon and said, "Are you waiting for a delivery?"
We collectively said yes.
The person said," She's here and beautiful. I can't tell you anymore. I didn't tell you that."
The moms asked if they were all okay and she held up both thumbs. It wasn't difficult to be excited when Kyle came out seconds later. We were all set to descend en masse; but he had his camera and showed us some pictures. They were practicing nursing and getting her set up. We passed the camera around again and looked at the pictures. If you notice Kyle, you have a picture of my cap and camera. I pushed the button next to the power light but it didn't turn it off. So I pushed the light, that worked.
Eventually Kyle came back to the doors and motioned us in about 1:20 pm. We were off like a bat. No more were we in for thirty seconds and we had to step out because they came to check out Sarah. But in five or ten minutes we were back in and took some pictures and a short video. She is gorgeous! They are all beaming and look so happy. We stayed only a couple minutes and left so they could rest. That was about 1:30.
But enough of me. Let's share some pictures and a short video.
Sarah says it's wrong not to have a baby in there. But she also said she was having a toddler.
She had enough of us already.
1 comment:
Thanks, Grandpa Greg, for the great pictures and video of little Logan and her folks! Kyle's smile says it all. Grandma Sue
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