It isn't obvious what volleyball has to do with this. That is ancient history now. But good friends have been together for many years. We've reared children and now they are rearing children. Thanks to those who put this together. We gathered most of the group in New Buffalo, Michigan for a day off catching up with the lives of everyone.
We enjoyed a day at the beach and park.
The beach front is very nice and picturesque.
The bubble wands came out for the kids came out and very soon it became clear who the 'kids' were.
Then we took a walk to the beach. Drew's family had a big day at Ashley's and Alex's school and couldn't come. Kyle had to work but Sarah and Logan came with us. Geoff and Julieanna brought Cora and enjoyed sitting on the warm rocks at the beach.
I don't think Geoff was really flipping me off.
Sally had a lot of time holding Logan. She was the best little traveler. We left Sarah's at 9:15 AM. We weren't much more than out of the drive and Logan was asleep. She slept all the way to New Buffalo, where we arrived about Noon CDT.
Sarah fed Logan and she slept the rest of the day. She just lay there like Sleeping Beauty. In spite of the umbrella and bonnet she got a flash of sun on her cheeks. Sarah out a little aloe on her and she slept the whole way home.
I think she has an on--off switch. When we got to Sarah's Kyle was home from work and Logan woke and was all smiles and charm.
Cora is quit the little lady now, at six months. In her jaunty hat and big smiles she is very observant. She is also very camera aware. She is pretty quick at picking up on little things and learning to do them. I did a little finger wave when I saw her watching me and she was serious and staring at me. Then, without her looking away, her fingers started moving down by her side. When I noticed I approached and started talking to her while waving and she kept looking back and forth be tween her hand and mine and in less than a minute she was able to wave.
It is amazing to me how much difference there is in just a few months of age. Logan is becoming very interactive. She recognizes people and reacts to us with jabber and smiles. They are going to be so much fun together in a very short time.
Apparently this all wore Neal and Anna out. They took time out in the sun.
It was a big day. We have a baby boom in the group now. Eleven children under three and two expectant mothers to be. There are about nineteen in the latest generation. Nineteen children in the middle generation and thirteen spouses. The original group has fourteen husbands and wives. What a life it has been!