That made it painfully apparent to me why I gave up and had the house sided. I thought my arm would fall off, painting over my head and moving the door down a wee bit then paint another strip, etc. I hadn't thought about it, but one cannot paint to the edge if the door is down. But I think it looks like a good match. And done in time for Mother's Day.
The kids all came to our house. They were all very good. This is Julieanna holding Logan, Kyle and Sarah's angel. Geoff had his lovely little lady Cora. Cora is four months older that Logan. At two months and six months there is a world of difference in their activities. But both are healthy and progressing wonderfully. It is hard to imagine that in another six to eight months there will be less and less separation.
They are both beautiful little girls. I feel so lucky that all my children are healthy and have healthy children and they are all so nurturing and involved.
Then in an evil spell ...
Julieanna decided to test her Cora. "Look at mommy loving another baby! No more love left for Cora."
Cora is self-confident and didn't care. She knows that of her minion of worshipers, the loss of one is insignificant.

Actually, Logan was upset at being used in such a crass plot.

Since Drew and Tricia and Ashley and Alex won't be able to go to Michigan this weekend, we took a picture to take with us. Aren't they a good looking family?

Then we have video!
Cora has begun to sit up by herself and she likes to exercise her voice. If she has an audience she is even louder. I think they call that being a ham. And on Mother's Day she started using her hands to modulate that voice.
That is enough CORASPEAK. It all sounds vaguely familiar in the Obama year.
A quick note that our kids are no longer wearing cute characters on their shirts. It is all about school - highschool, college. And notice that the levels of their eyes are almost higher than mine. Wow how they have grown up into some really great kids.
I'm pretty sure they have had a wild fan club just like the little girls but it was just before the internet.
They have become the middle generation. Not adults and not little kids. They are really growing up and coming into their own.
We won't have them for long. These years will pass before we realize and they will be young adults who have trouble finding time to visit the old folks. And that's as it should be.
We will still love them then; and be proud of them as we were and as we are.
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