She was very sweet and entertaining. Here she is being soooo sweeeeet.
Here Cora is so glad to see Grandma on the floor.
I think she is laughing at the thought of Grandma getting up. Or just because she is having so much fun making the two of us act like the fools we are over her.
She enjoyed reading her new book lying there.
Then she did her tricks. How big is Cora?
And she is making up for her cousin Logan, They have both ends of the range of human hearing covered. Cora sings bass, Logan sings soprano.
What did you people do to my baby?--she's suddenly mobile! The day before yesterday she was moving at a rate of about a foot per fifteen minutes. Today I put her down in the middle of the floor and suddenly she's over poking at the bookshelf and then by the time I'm done checking e-mail she's wedged herself under my chair! Time to babyproof the place, I guess.
See. Grand Parents are elemental to child development and growth.
I bet it's the special dark chocolate.
Just kidding. It's the love.
thanks for the updates!
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