The Birthday Boy, my sonshine, was ready to do the rebook of our Fathers' Day fishing charter. We all had so much fun before Kyle's wedding that we wanted to do it again. It took us until now.
Father's Day was stormy and we couldn't go out. This was the first weekend that we all were available. Since Brad and Don weren't going we were able to include Geoff and Alex.

So we left Waukegan harbor about noon on Drew's birthday. It wasn't too hot and it was gorgeous weather.

Steve, Kyle's father-law, was ready for the trip. We had a few pops and talked while waiting for the fish to wake up.

Geoff wore Julieanna's favorite hat and was looking forward to his first fishing charter. No one got sick or injured or died; so, we didn't need Geoff's professional services.

Kyle was part of the young muscle group. Someone had to carry the cooler with the pops. Apparently Sally purchase some new kind of ice made from heavy water. That was one HEAVY cooler. I was glad I took the cooler with the sandwiches (and WHEELS). Kyle always complained as a kid that the only reason we had children was the slave labor. Right! All you parents know better, don't you?

Alex wanted to go last time; but, they have a six person limit and it
was Kyle's wedding party. We made sure to take him. He had a Dramamine before the trip and it made him really tired. He didn't get sick and he did have fun.

Captain Tim on the left, of Seamates II, and the rest of the team watching the wake. We did a lot of that. It clouded over a bit and the waves kicked up a bit. We got a lot of exercise riding the waves.

We did see some unusual craft. This one was really haulin'. he came out of the West toward Great Lakes, turned to the North and passed well aft between us and the shore. He disappeared in the North in about ten minutes total.

The Adoxographi out of Evanston was out for a sailing lesson, I believe. It is a play on words. Adoxography is a term coined in the late 19th century, and means "fine writing on a trivial or base subject." It was a form of rhetorical exercise. Anyway, I think they were out for a lesson because they were under Main only and he was sitting on the cabin roof explaining trim and handling. A good looking boat.

Benita and Tricia and Alex enjoying pretty Logan. Kyle and Sarah's baby. I got the back of her head because you couldn't handle her cuteness.

Geoff and Julieanna's baby Cora is a cutie too. She was under the weather. Sore throat, cough and feeling punk. Pretty good natured for a sick baby.

Ashley and Drew with party beads and you can't see the glo-bracelets. Preparing for dinner at Uno's. Can you tell they had a softball summer? Sun damage.
A full day enjoying kids, friends and grand kids. Geoff caught a nice big brown trout. It was his first. I reeled in a Coho that we dragged to death. It was on a while before anyone noticed. Tim was re-setting lines and noticed the down rigger was flexing a bit. As he was reeling in the line he realized he had a fish on so he handed it off and I was there on the rail so I got it. I lucked out because he wasn't fighting it much. But the eating is still good.
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