Sally dragged me to the show. Thanks to Garmin it was easy driving. Got there an hour and a half before the show started. Parked in the LAST spot in the lot next to the Briar Street Theater. As we walked out they put up a sign "Additional Parking 1/2 Block North." We went in and picked up our tickets before going to find a place to eat dinner.
The theater had a good list of places to eat. Many have theater specials. Buy a glass of wine get one free, 15% off the entire bill, 20% off food, 10% off any day of the week, etc. We picked one we liked, not by offer. We went to Jack's on Halsted.
Interesting architecturally. I am always amazed the way places utilize old buildings and find them acceptable with second rate workmanship in fit and finish. Which is not to say that it didn't look nice and up scale. Prices were pretty middle of the pack. Sally had a cream of tomato soup, a whole wheat penne, chicken and portobello. I had steak and fries with spinach. We got out for $52.
The oddest thing about the place was that no table had salt or pepper on it. Not one in the whole place! So stop at McDonald's and pickup some packets before you go. We were done and out about a quarter 'til seven. And only five minutes North of the theater!
Our tickets were in Row K middle section. I would HIGHLY recommend Row K or L. It put us right at eye level with the performers and thirty feet away. The performers are very good at displaying emotions and feelings with their eyes. It is pretty loud but otherwise very enjoyable.
The best part was that Sally laughed a lot. It is chock full of subtle humor. At the end of the night I enjoyed it too.
They of course park Chicago style. You know when they park you like any parking lot; but then fill the aisle after you walk away. Why is it that the last one's in, the ones that block the whole lot, don't come straight back to the lot after the show? Being in the last space at the back I was able to squeeze by the putz in the aisle and go out the back alley. We were home a little after ten o'clock.