Oh! I like to read Cheerios. What page was I on?
Yes, here it is. Mamamama mama ma.
That formula was just right, Grandma. It makes my tummy happy.
Let me see that jar, please. I'm not sure I like it.

"Is this spaghetti?" Or maybe, "This string tastes better that lunch."
Logan was really into moving furniture today. Whether it was stools at the kitchen counter or the sofa stool, she just had to move it. Heaven forbid it gets hung up on the carpet.
"Is this spaghetti?" Or maybe, "This string tastes better that lunch."
Logan was really into moving furniture today. Whether it was stools at the kitchen counter or the sofa stool, she just had to move it. Heaven forbid it gets hung up on the carpet.
If Mom and Dad were thinking they would teach her to push the car and save some money!
That looks like it could be exhausting--she is keeping you young, I can tell!
She is so busy & so darn cute!
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