As the big day approaches I get to sit with Cora as her Dad works and her Mom goes to the doctor. Now that we come to the end of the wait I get to sit weekly with my little buddy.

Perhaps familiarity breeds contempt, I prefer to think of it as comfort. After a couple hours Cora looked around and said, "Gram pa, get camera." Her mom gave her a bit of a scolding about telling people what to do. Cora looked at her mom, then at me and said, "Get camera, Grandpa. Watch picture, Cora."
Obviously she got close quicker than I could get ready to take her picture.

If I wait long enough, Cora will play and I can get a picture. More pictures if I fore go the flash.
Cora was "wearing" her activity block.

See, it still is working well as a boot.

But now that she has seen Grandpa's camera she headed over lickity split.
(Not to be confused with "Lickity Lizard" )

As long as she has already noticed, I resort to flash and get a non-blurry picture. Now you can see how cute she
really is. Then we had to review all the pictures on my camera.
We shared Kyle's birthday with her.

There is a flurry of action by the computer.

Caught at the peak of action, that moment of suspended action.

Cora wanted a "sticker" which Julieanna substituted a post-it for. Unfortunately Cora wanted the one with writing on it. We all know that stickers aren't blank.
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