Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Another Day, Another Walk With Her Hands Over Her Head

August 25th and we have Logan for another Wednesday. It has been either blistering hot or raining for weeks now. So finally we have a great day.

Logan asked, "Is it too hot?"

Grandma said, "No."

Logan asked, "Is it wet out today?"

Answered Grandma, "No. It's nice today."

 Logan asked, "Can we go to the park?"

Of course Logan likes to do things for herself. Including push her own stroller. It was a long walk to the park and Logan made it all the way with her arms high. She occasionally would gawk at something and run off the sidewalk. I would tell her "left, left" or "right, right" and she would steer back.

 Another new park and one we haven't been to before. That enhances the adventure aspect.

Logan loves to swing. She commands, "Faster!" Then gets a little frightened. As she acclimates she will again order, "Faster!"

Her adrenaline craving finally sated, Logan goes with Grandma to the slide.

 Grandma needed the shade. Logan was well oiled.

"Hello up there. Come on down!", said Grandpa.

 A little over-exposure really make this a summer picture! I love that smile and static-hair as she slides into the light.

After many trips I tried one on manual exposure. I think automatic isn't always better. Logan really enjoyed the park. The walk home was a stitch too.

She would occasionally have to stop and drink her water. As we progressed the stops became more frequent. The last half block we stopped multiple times. some times she would only take two steps and grin from ear to ear as she drank her water.

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