Our adventure in babysitting began with the delivery. No, not THAT delivery; it was This delivery.
Julieanna and Geoffrey brought their precious bundle to us. They were hoping we would experience her awful behavior and be sympathetic to their plight.
Alas, that was not to be. We are both oblivious to any possible negatives. Apparently they want to hide her from the muggers and Gypsies. She was disguised as a pink cat or something.

We being more thorough than gypsies found a toasted little creature all snug from her ride.
They left her with a Grandma who was apparently puzzled and an idiot Grandpa who cooed and cajoled.

She claimed to love giggles, but we think NOT. Cora seemed bored with our antics but surely was not sleepy.
She finally wanted fed (or should I say we finally figured out she wanted fed). She was ready NOW, when Grandma had just started to thaw the bottle. She complained mightily and rightly so.
She assumed from our mature appearance we had some sense. Little did she know our sense was long past.
Finally fed and properly burped she consented to play and and to smile at the fool. As proof see exhibit A in the previous post. A video of a bright little girl susceptible to flattery.

We're just glad she's still invited back!
Thanks for watching her--we're glad you all like each other.
aren't these things supposed to get updated once in a while?
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