Again we were privileged to sit for the Corapillar. Her generous parents brought her to us while they went to a movie. It is two degrees above zero and they had her wrapped and toasty again.
She played very nicely and was good at amusing Grandma and Grandpa.
She stretched and wriggled.
She even fussed a bit.
Grandpa got to give her a special shoulder to sleep on.
And Grandma has a special place for Cora too.
As Grandma said ...
She leaves her mark on your heart
and she leaves her mark on your shirt.
It looks like she had a great time! I love the smile too. We didn't get to see too many of those the other night, so I appreciate the pictures!
Girl has a nice short easy name and already there are as many nicknames as she has relatives. How good that Julie and Geoff have a chance to get out and have a little time away from Cora care. Although am sure they love having her - burps, throw ups and all. Think Sal and Greg make great Grandparents. The 10 years since the last baby they have not fallen out of practice at all. Guess it's like riding a bike.
Keep the pictures coming. Still waiting for a picture of Cora in her Grandma Ruby blanket?
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