Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Day with Cora

Here's our little charge d'jour. She was happy as a clam, however happy a clam is, all day.
She was very sweet and entertaining. Here she is being soooo sweeeeet.

Here Cora is so glad to see Grandma on the floor.
I think she is laughing at the thought of Grandma getting up. Or just because she is having so much fun making the two of us act like the fools we are over her.
She enjoyed reading her new book lying there.

Then she did her tricks. How big is Cora?

And she is making up for her cousin Logan, They have both ends of the range of human hearing covered. Cora sings bass, Logan sings soprano.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

An Alex Day, July 13th

Since Ashley was scheduled for a three day Fast Pitch Softball tournament and Dad coaches and Mom keeps score multiple time a week, we thought Alex might want to do something different for a change of pace. He did.

So we took him to Lake Geneva and Delavan, Wisconsin. He has liked horses for a long time now. So we thought the Dancing Horses Theater and Animal Gardens would be fun.

We had lunch at "Popeye's on Lake Geneva". They have bluegill on the menu. It was a good lunch and then off to the show.

Here Alex and Grandma wait for the start of the show.

The pictures are dark and poor because I used my cell phone camera. I assumed that photography would not be allowed, as in most theaters. But once we were in they said take all the photos you want. Just no videos.

These costumes were glowing plastic with a Spanish flavor. They were riding Andalusian.

This was a riderless Lipizzaner. It trotted under the turning ring as if a carousel horse. It would jump and kick to pose as if in a dream. There was a curtain of tiny bubbles falling from the ring as it spun.

These are six Arabians that were riderless just like a circus act. They were well trained too. This was their bow on our side.

And their bow on the stage right. The first horse was picking up the lady's purse.

Then the riders came out on curtain call in the last costumes they wore. The left is a Lipizzaner, the the Indian, the circus act, and the Spanish costume.

Then we went through the Animal Gardens and saw the trained parrots. One couple were oddly like Sally and I. The male was named Gregory (but she called him Greg) and he was 60 years old. His mate was not Sally. She was Rosie, and 71 years old.

There were exotic animals and baby animals. They had a calf named ...

Lucky No. 7. See the natural "7" on his forehead?

We took a hay ride around the pastures and then went to Lake Geneva for shopping.
Ask Sally about the unfortunate events

Indepenence Day

The holiday is always long in Wauconda. The village fire works are on the 3rd at the lake. It is a very good display. We sit on the sidewalk in front of our neighbor and look down the street to see the fire works over the street. The mosquitoes are usually bad so we always wear heavy slacks and a jacket. We don't get bit but we sweat up a storm.

Not this year! It was very cool and we were all around comfortable. We were already for the fourth. No big effort on salads and dishes to prepare.

Logan arrived on the Fourth so happy she could bite herself. Would you believe gum herself. She was a little doll in her red checked seersucker outfit. Her folks are so in love with her.

While everyone snacked Delores held Logan. They were both able to smile.

Harvey held Cora without a problem. Though she did give him the once over occasionally.
In the background you can see that Sarah was actually able to use both hands while snacking. New moms don't often have both hands free.

Then we were lining up everyone to get pictures of everyone with everyone. Four generations would have been good. Sally (Grandma), Ann (Great Aunt), Harvey (Great Grandfather) and Logan and Cora. Then the wheels came off before we could get the big kids (Ashley and Alex) into the picture. And certainly not the aunts and uncles.

Apparently Big Grandpa pinches the Girls and makes them cry just as Georgie Porgy does. Cora decided she had been put upon one time too many.
Every one pass the babies!

Big Grandpa sang "Oops, I did it again." There goes Logan!