Monday, June 15, 2009

Alex in i9 Football

We arrived early for practice, there was one other boy there. The two practiced kicking, snapping and "team building".

About thirty minutes later the rest of the team and a coach showed up and practice began.

Play was at the other end, but look at the "snow" against the trees. the cottonwood was full of fluffy seed and dropping it like no body's business. If one wasn't paying attention they would suck it up their nose or in their mouth.

Yes, the kids were in the thick of it.

Offense! Alex is in the play. Ow, look at the match-up. That kid is half of Alex's size.
Alex did get a touchdown. And was got an award for sportsmanship.

Look at Alex run! He stayed in the hunt on a lot of plays. He played ALL of the first half and some of the second half (until he puked.)

In the huddle. Alex listens well. Very coachable.

Finally, a break. Get some water and wash the taste out of your mouth.

Watch the action! Alex is in the play. Good job!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Grandma Can Read?

Grandma has a day of adoration. This was her day with Cora. Grandma was the focus of Cora's world. Drinks, food, holding. playing and reading were the activities. Grandpa had a share but Grandma was the Number One Go to person today.

I love it when Cora see herself in the mirror in the book at the end of this clip.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Lambert Family Traveling All-Star Show

We had our child seat inspected and got a thumbs up. So we were ready to take Logan to Cora's house on Wednesday. Logan travels very well.

It is just a little pre-trip anxiety.

Logan didn't sleep on the way but she was puzzled about the surroundings. This is where I set her when we came in. She stood there for the longest time. It was as if I glued her shoes down.

Upon our arrival Cora launched into a welcome address. I have no idea what her point was but I love her energy.

Maybe she was trying to entice Logan to join her on the sofa.

Then I put the camera down and really enjoyed playing with the girls. It was lunch time when we arrived so grandma set up in the kitchen and I watched Logan while Cora ate. Cora likes to play with Grandpa while she eats. So long distance from the kitchen to the living room Cora would wink at me or wave. She would giggle play. She was always ready for the next bite.

Then we exchanged girls. Both got fed. Both got some attention from Grandma and Grandpa. We read a lot of books to each. There were lots of toys.

Cora would attempt to hug Logan and Logan would flail her arm around if Cora approached from the front. So Cora started coming up behind Logan and get her in a bear hug. That, Logan would tolerate.

Sarah came after work to get Logan. We brought in the chair we brought for Cora and she was a natural. She was skilled at entry and motion. Then she displayed her mastery of the rocker.

Wow! This hostessing is tiring work.

Ouch! That arm is going to hurt.

That's a little better. At least for the arm. But I like this little chair.

How does a little girl just nineteen months old know what to do in a rocking chair?

What a DAY! Only minutes after Sarah and Logan left, Cora fell asleep in her "new" chair.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Every Wednesday is Logan Day

It's only three days since Easter. Well, when these pictures are taken; of course I realize that it is 7 1/2 weeks in real-time. Yes my ass is still raw and bloody. Apparently someone does check this blog, but I am only one person and apparently the only one on "
Our Side of Life". Oh well, onward to the task as hand.

Kyle brought LL to our house and she like to play on the sofa with the pillows. If one doesn't pay enough attention to her though ...
That got his heart pumping!
Now Kyle is paying close attention to her. She loves being the focus of attention.
Time to leave for work. Kyle says his good-byes to Logan. She is always fine with parting.
Grandma and Logan and Grandpa ritually wave good-bye. Logan waits for Kyle to drive away and then waves and says, "Bye-Bye."
Cousin Cora and Julieanna come for a play day about one o'clock. They get along wonderfully and are very entertaining to watch.

We let Logan make a mess at lunch. Look at those gorgeous gams. She could be a dancer. I think she even said, "Ta-Dah!"

"Grandma, squeeze this 'til it's green."

"I think there is one more snack in here."

"I really, really like these totes!"

Monday, June 1, 2009

Easter 2009

Think back, way, way back to Easter. It was a grand day for egg hinting and feasting. Little folks had their Easter finest on and were strutting their stuff.

Cora likes to carry the little gift totes like purses. She has on her Easter dress and shoes.

The big kids like to play with their little cousins. They are excellent with them.

Alex and Ashley lead the activities with Cora.

Kyle, Sarah and Logan arrive later.

Geoff reads Winnie the Pooh to Cora. She is more attentive now and will listen to the entire book.

It's a REALLY good story, apparently. Cora requested Grandma read the same Winnie the Pooh.
A classic never gets stale.

Drew's family in one frame! Drew, Tricia, Alex and Ashley.

Talk about growing up! Ashley is becoming quite the young lady. She is a sweet kid.

Any similarity is strictly genetic. And the rest is nurture.

Julieanna greets her niece, Logan.

Yes, Kyle was present. No, I didn't get a picture of him.