Julieanna and Geoff went to the show to see "Avatar". With a two year old and a new born that means Grandma and Grandpa had babysitting duty. More a privilege than a duty.

Cora literally said, "Cheese." As soon as she saw the camera.

That PEZ is pretty good candy if your experience is with candies is limited. They are a bit difficult to extract from the newer dispensers. The originals used to push the candy out further.

"Grandma, the frog is empty."

"I can see me in the camera, Grandpa. Right there."

Grandma gets a long turn nibbling that soft, fuzzy head.

Cora was glad when Grandpa refilled the frog.

Grandpa finally has a turn with that little bundle of sweetness.

So Grandma and Cora can build something.
Here's a little construction action.
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