First things first, Logan wanted a ponytail. So while Grandma exercised her skills with hair.
Obviously, Logan doesn't mind this. She gave "But-bah" her cheesiest smile.
"Let's see what's in this tool box.
"Hmm, what could I measure with this?"
Then Julieanna, Cora, and Hazel arrived. Which resulted in television for developing minds. At least that is our hope.
Of course after I snap a picture, Logan feels compelled to charm the camera. Cora has stronger concentration than that.
"Let's have a hug. Is this right?" Immediately after this they both fell over. This hugging thing isn't easy. Hope they figure it out before they start dating. That will make them seem to forward.
Amazing how just a bit more sleep improves the happiness of the mother and the baby. Just look at those smiles!
Here we are at just over seven weeks and look how this little girl has grown. She has filled out and seems longer and definitely stronger.
A smile for the camera. Isn't she sweet.
And another picture just because you can't have too many.
Here is some action. A post just doesn't seem the same without a video.
Can't you peel yourself away from facebook for 5 minutes to update your blog?
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