I don't know where time goes. I believe my computer opens a black hole that warps the time-space continuum that sucks hours and days out of my life. Well apparently it can be weeks.
That's it! I actually posted this the day after Christmas. I'm sure it won't reach you for weeks.
Are these antlers "those antlers"? I don't know; but they could be. Ashley tells the story sooo well.
The gifts are ready. The kids are ready. What are we waiting so patiently for? Just permission to start from Grandma, Empress of the Universe.
Cora getting a little nourishment.
Although it is Hazel's first Christmas, I'm sure she will no more remember it that she is excited about it. Just think, she will only be one year old at her SECOND Christmas.
Alex has begun distribution of the presents. As you can see, the excitement hasn't begun yet. In their defense, one must realize they are parents of a two year old and a new born and sleep is a distant memory.
One of the mysteries of life is how new parents can be deprived of sleep by a tiny, immobile creature that sleeps over twenty hours a day, eats and poops.

The tension builds! We're almost ready to open presents.

Julieanna taking pictures.
The tension builds! We're almost ready to open presents.
Julieanna taking pictures.
Cora is not quite sure it started or what to do. She goes around the room helping others.
Alex is a pro. He does know what to do.
Drew, Benita and Tricia enjoy watching their kids open Christmas.
The cute story is that one day Sarah picked Logan up at daycare, one of the teachers told Sarah that one of the other teachers was doing something that may have looked like she was "picking her nose" but that she wasn't "picking her nose". Logan had admonished her, "Don't touch your nose, Mommy gonna get you!"
The Turners are in the swing of it now. Cora has to assistants to help her open and repack presents.
Logan and Cora are perfect cousins. They are so cute together. They play well and are affectionate.
They have obviously agreed to something, as evidenced by the handshake.
Cora examines the tree a little closer. Both girls were very good about the tree.
Grandma is apparently tired. She still manages to hold Hazel and give some special lovin' to the latest addition.
I really like this video. Cora has her new dancer on the yet unopened present. In the background, Logan is tearing off pieces of wrapping paper and throwing each piece in the trash before tearing off another.
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