Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Day 2009

Another favorite family holiday, Thanksgiving. Drew's family went up north in Wisconsin, so they missed our fun. but we probably missed them more. Drew and Alex went up last weekend for deer season, Then Tricia, Ashley and Tricia's mom, Benita went up Wednesday to celebrate Thanksgiving with their friends.

The remainder of the family gathered at our house for dinner. Julieanna, Geoff and Kyle, Sarah gather at the kitchen counter for snacks while dinner cooks.

(Please remember to click on each photo to enlarge it. The kids are good looking.)

Having just arrived, Logan is still shy and hanging on Mom. I love the commotion and chatter as everyone gathers.

Now the girls are warming to those less familiar. Short interactions and off on their own.

Sarah has put Logan's hair up in 'ponytails' and she looks so different. But look at this smile!

Both girls want me to read to them. It's a "terrible burden"; but, I assent to their demands.
They love to pick out the objects and the colors and to be praised for their correct choices.

Winner and still champion "cheesy smiler", Kyle! He has taught Logan well. With practice she may come into her own.

Cora is very good with this cloth book. She knows where each sound switch is and what the story is. Puppies, kittens and birds hide in bushes, bedrooms and baskets of laundry.

Poor Geoff, a headache already? Your in-laws aren't that bad are they?

Kyle gets a break too. Don't get too comfortable there, Buddy. You could be overwhelmed in an instant.

Sit by Daddy. Sit by Mommy. Sit by Aunt Julie. Read to me, No! Chase me!

Toy Story's Woody has a hat! Did you know that? Logan does. And as long as she is by the hallway, let's chase around in a circle. Of course I couldn't take a video AND chase. So I chose chase.
The girls LOVE to be chased or to chase around the hall. They can run and run until they get so excited they scream. As Sarah said, "I don't know why this is so entertaining. But it is; it's so hilarious!"
She is totally correct. If I stop Logan will say, "Do 'gin."
As I chase them Cora says, "Go, Grampa. Go!"
Then about the second loop they will squeal with glee as they come through this hall entrance.

This is video of Cora reading the cloth book. When she did the kitten button, Logan started mocking, "meow, meow, meow."
They get on so well together and can solve all their conflicts without any hysterics. they are marvelous little girls. And their folks are so good with them.
We are very fortunate to have four, now almost five, great grand kids and six wonderful kids.

1 comment:

Kyle said...

those little ones are more fun than I ever thought possible!